Throughout 2021 daste. have given us six outstanding singles (either way, somebody like you, here with me, expectations, holding on to you & changes) while also making promise of their debut album, “dusk&dawn”, coming our way very soon.
The Gold Coast trio are making good on that promise this week as they deliver that exquisite 10-track collection in all its glory, featuring four previously unheard gems (dusk, home for tea, light on & dawn) that help tie this collection of music together so perfectly well.
Tyler and Braxton of daste. give us their insight into the album below as they explore the contrast of the dusk & dawn (light & dark, happy & sad, rise & fall) theme that the album was built around.
“What dusk&dawn means to me is a journey of realization. Throughout this album I discovered a lot about our sound and identity as artist. Each song on this album portrays a character we all relate to some way or another. As for our sound, I feel like nothing really changed, we just grew. And we’ll continue to grow with more albums, more songs, and more journeys under this one-of-a-kind sun.”- Braxton Tahi
“It always felt right that we would release an album after our first two EPs, and we were so excited for the challenge of creating a larger, cohesive piece of work. The first track that we wrote for the album was ‘either way’ and was also our first release for the album in late 2020. The idea for ‘either way’ was the duality and contrast of the hard times that we face with our hopeful visions of the future. These hopes that we have are represented by the inevitable rise of the dawn (“It’s alright, it’s okay. The sun will rise either way”). We loved the concept so much that it put us on course for the six months of writing for the album. dusk&dawn represents the duality of life: good and bad, life and death, happiness and sadness. It is the contrast between the two that helps you appreciate and provide the context for the parts of life that you cherish, which is a never-ending cycle, just like the rising and falling of the sun. We featured the sun in all of the single release artworks and in the album artwork.” – Tyler Harden
The band also share their insight into the album’s four unreleased singles and how they work within the framework of the album.
“dusk & home for tea: ‘home for tea’ is a track that came up early in the writing process for the album. We have always loved the nostalgia that comes with imagery and references to childhood, and we wanted this track to place you back in those times where the worries that come with growing up and having responsibilities are unknown. ‘home for tea’ felt perfect for the dusk side of the album as the first line illustrates the setting, time and feeling we wanted to portray (“When the street lights on, I know it’s time to go home”). We felt that this imagery reinforces the identity of the song, when you would play out in the street with your friends until dusk when the streetlights turn on. We decided to extend this track into the intro for the album and called it ‘dusk’.
light on: ‘light on’ was pretty out of the blue. We took an unusual approach to making this song when we first started writing it and a lot of old school influences such as Coldplay and John Mayer came out of us in this one. ‘light on’ is pretty much about knowing when to call it. Accepting when it’s time to move on and get over what’s hurting you or keeping you down. These times always make me stronger and more improved, and I needed a song that had the words to explain what it’s like moving onto a brighter chapter out of sheer faith and hope. It’s easier to shine in a darker environment which is why you only see the stars at night.
dawn: This fun little track has been on the album from the beginning of the writing process. It’s about sun showers, which represent those bittersweet moments in life. Even though the rain may be falling, there’s still a beautiful day behind those clouds.” – daste.
“dusk&dawn” is available everywhere now and QLD fans can catch them performing live this November as they host album launch shows in Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast & Brisbane.
Co-Written by daste.
Produced by daste.
Mixing by Callum MacDonald
Mastering by Paul Blakey
Artwork by Hannro Venter
Press Photos by Dominic Gould