Josef Scott is an Auckland-bred/Boston-based musician who is making a unique blend of alternative-pop/indie-soul music that can be likened to a mix between Tora, LEISURE and NEIL FRANCES.
Over the last few months Josef has given us three new gloriously nostalgic singles with ‘Summer Dopamine’, ‘All My Love’ and ‘Nine To Five’, which he is this week compiling into a four-track ep titled “Joy Street”.
“In January 2023, I moved halfway across the world from Auckland NZ to Boston, MA, leaving behind everything familiar for what felt like the complete unknown. Once I’d set up my ~grass roots~ music studio in my new home, I began writing and recording songs without a clear agenda, other than to continue improving on my craft. There were many challenging moments throughout the year – often questioning if I’d made the right decision and if it was even the right time. Without quite realizing it, in the moment I was channeling these intense feelings of nostalgia through my songs, starting with Summer Dopamine. It was therapeutic to bring forth these cherished memories of home during the periods of discomfort. Each song naturally evolved to reflect the season I was in at the time – all whilst situated on Joy Street. Ultimately “Joy Street” is about embracing change, navigating doubt and nostalgia, and looking ahead with curiosity for the challenges that lie ahead.” ~ Josef Scott
The fourth track on the ep is a previously unheard gem called ‘Compromise’, which Josef reveals was written upon his first visit back to New Zealand after living in Boston for over a year, and despite all the niceties of being home, he now fully understood that relocating abroad was ultimately the best decision he could have made.
“Compromise’ was the last song I wrote for this project before returning back to New Zealand for the first time. Throughout much of the year my heart longed for the comforts and familiarities of home; the people. Yet through all those intense feelings, deep down, I knew that relocating abroad was what was best for me. This song reflects on the internal compromises I made. It acknowledges that with adversity and sacrifice, great things can emerge. It’s a reminder that change demands compromise.” ~ Josef Scott
“Joy Street EP” is available everywhere now!
Artist Connect:
Written & Produced by Josef Scott
Mixed by Steven Melville
Mastered by William Bowden
Artwork by Josef Scott
Press Photos by Isabella Murrell