‘Slow’ is the great new electro-beat single from Australian producer Taka Perry, and just the first taste of his upcoming debut ep.
Taka Perry began writing ‘Slow’ back in 2015 when he was finishing up high school, and it ended up being one of those songs that pretty much wrote itself in a really short period of time. Even when it came to the lyrics & melodies, they rolled out quite easily as well, and the first person that came to mind for the vocals was his friend Jordi Davis (of String Elephants) who was more than happy to help out.
Taka didn’t have a proper studio set-up at the time, so he had to improvise by skipping class one day to record it in an empty classroom at his school.
‘Slow’ is built on a strong foundation of catchy melodies and well-executed experimental electronica. Smooth beats, glitchy synths and those silky-smooth vocals set the scene for Taka Perry’s debut ep, as he builds anticipation for what else he has up his sleeve.
“Slow’ is about delusions, fantasies, and figments of imagination. I think of it as a love song with a dark, deranged twist. It’s about not being able to find what you’re looking for, so instead creating a fictional version of it” – Taka Perry
[iframe]<iframe src=”https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify%3Atrack%3A45Vjfynsc5a8XaEBtA8bNb” width=”100%” height=”80″ frameborder=”0″ allowtransparency=”true”></iframe>[/iframe]
‘Slow’ is available now on Spotify, and for a limited time you can pick up a free download via Taka Perry’s Soundcloud.
[iframe]<iframe width=”100%” height=”300″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/G0VcidhsVnY” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>[/iframe]
“I actually had no idea this music video was being made until it was finished. My friends from high school had an older demo version of the song, and one day they messaged me saying they had shot a music video for this song. The first time I saw it was an amazing moment where I felt like a new life had been breathed into my song”
“The video is about a girl that doesn’t actually exist, but a figment of imagination inside the singer’s head. Whilst the video is predominantly comprised of imagery and visuals, the absence of other characters, sets an eerie undertone to the video, whilst bringing the attention back to the main character” – Taka Perry
https://www.facebook.com/takaperry | https://soundcloud.com/taka-perry | https://twitter.com/takaperry